About Me

Tue Lehrmann- MCIOB, Eur BE, C Build E FCABE

Architectural Sercices and Neighbourly Matters

07450 492210

Thanks to his Danish heritage Tue Lehrmann has received recognition in the UK and abroad over the last 20 years via membership of European professional bodies “Konstruktørforeningen” www.kf.dk & AEEBC www.aeebc.org. With the highest qualifications in and outside England he can provide all architectural services, Party Wall, Single Defect Reports, Schedules of Condition, Measured Surveys, License To Alter, Land Registry Plans and deal with Neighborly Matters (i.e., Boundary Disputes). 

Tue works closely with high-end UK property developers across all 48 English counties.

Unit C016 Tooting Works, 89 Bickersteth Road, London SW17 9SH
020 8516 7795
21 Ellis Street, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 9AL
020 7112 7522

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